Solution to an exercise for data visualization.
Visualize data in a scatter plot, explore columns with the Data Explorer node, and explore rows in an interactive Table View. Build an interactive dashboard with two or more views.
Data Explorer:
1. 174 countries/territories are represented in the data.
2. Most countries/territories belong to the travel risk categories 1 (exercise normal precautions) and 2 (exercise increased caution). Only a few countries belong to the categories 3 (reconsider travel) and 4 (do not travel).
3. The maximum pace at which a population increases in a country/territory is 4.6%.
Scatter Plot and Table View
1. Latitude and life expectancy have a positive correlation in the data.
2. The countries with a very high life expectancy in the southern hemisphere are located in Oceania or Americas.
Interactive Dashboard
The countries in the southern hemisphere with a very high life expectation are Argentina, Australia, Chile, New Zealand, and Uruguay.
01 Visualization - Solution
External resources
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.5.1
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