Applies the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) to selected input column with selected window sizes and steps for the selected wavelet.
The following wavelets are supported:
Haar (haar)
Daubechies (db)
Symlets (sym)
Coiflets (coif)
Biorthogonal (bior)
Reverse biorthogonal (rbio)
Discrete FIR approximation of Meyer wavelet (dmey)
Gaussian wavelets (gaus)
Mexican hat wavelet (mexh)
Morlet wavelet (morl)
Complex Gaussian wavelets (cgau)
Shannon wavelets (shan)
Frequency B-Spline wavelets (fbsp)
Complex Morlet wavelets (cmor)
Note: This component requires a Python environment with PyWavelets package installed.
Required extensions:
KNIME Python Integration
KNIME Quick Forms
- Type: TableData to TransformTable containing numeric column to be transformed.