This workflow shows an example of the usage of the following nodes:
* Conda Environment Propagation node: a pre-configured conda environment containing all the necessary packages to run the Python Script node is shipped with the workflow. When the workflow is executed the node will check if a suitable environment of the same name is already set in the target system and eventually creates a suitable one. Then the environment is propagated to the subsequent Python nodes.
* Python Script node: a flexible number of ports can be added as input or output to this node. Here a generated data table is input to the node and after be consumed and transformed by the Python script three objects will be given as output.
- Port 0: the data table sorted by the column 'Universe_0_0'
- Port 1: the data table sorted by the column 'Universe_1_1'
- Port 2: a Box Plot
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.3.0
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