This workflow provides access to the scheduling functionality of KNIME Server via the WebPortal. It does so by using the KNIME Server REST API, particularly the scheduled-jobs endpoint.
Credentials are passed over from the WebPortal login. The user then gets presented a list of all workflows on the server to which they have access. After selecting a workflow, the user needs to select the schedule. Options include setting a start date as well as the execution interval. It is also possible to send a notification email after each execution of the workflow. In case the workflow contains a report, the report can be attached to the email in various formats.
The current version of this workflow does not cover scheduled job cancellation. To cancel a scheduled job on the WebPortal, please use the workflow 02_Manage_Scheduled_Jobs. It is located in the same directory as the present workflow.
Job Scheduling on WebPortal
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.1.0
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