Spaces of abdullahjafri99
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Community Workflows
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JKISeason3-16 Analyzing User Reviews
Description: You are the architect behind an innovative vocal assistance device, and your initial goal is to process user reviews and uncover insights about 'sound quality’. To this end, you decide to use 4-grams to discover frequently mentioned words near the term "sound quality”. What trends emerge from the 4-gram frequencies? What is the top 4-gram? Hint: The NGram Creator node can come in handy here!
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JKISeason3-17 Bird Migration Patterns
Bird Migration Patterns Challenge 17 Level: Medium Description: Birds like to travel and are often flying in big groups to different parts of the globe depending on the season. This week, your goal is to identify patterns in data about birds migrating from North America. You should isolate the initial and final locations of each bird and plot them on a map to visualize their migration path. Additionally, create a map visualization to determine which continent all the birds ultimately migrated to.
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My Learning Workflows
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Sentimental Analysis
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