The workflows in this workflow group create a complete, deployable application for collecting and analyzing user feedback.
- The data collection is perfomed by 01.Form Data App.
- Once a day 02.Feedback Analyzer reads the latest feedback and appends a sentiment prediction.
- Meanwhile, 04.Email Unsubscribers Update takes care of updating the list of users who opt out of receiving emails.
- Lastly the feedback, its associated sentiment and the user info are collected in a pdf report for the system admin by 03.Generate Daily Report.
Below is a summary of the orchestration schema, together with workflow services eventually called by a workflow. Notice that each workflow has a different execution triggerer (in green).
- The data collection is perfomed by 01.Form Data App.
- Once a day 02.Feedback Analyzer reads the latest feedback and appends a sentiment prediction.
- Meanwhile, 04.Email Unsubscribers Update takes care of updating the list of users who opt out of receiving emails.
- Lastly the feedback, its associated sentiment and the user info are collected in a pdf report for the system admin by 03.Generate Daily Report.
Below is a summary of the orchestration schema, together with workflow services eventually called by a workflow. Notice that each workflow has a different execution triggerer (in green).