This node ensures the existence of a specific configurable Conda environment and propagates the environment to Python, R, or other Conda-aware downstream nodes. This is useful to make workflows that … Learn more
Getting started with KNIME's Python integration
The KNIME Python Integration allows you to run Python scripts inside KNIME workflows seamlessly. This allows you to tap into the vast ecosystem of Python data analysis tools and leverage Python-based data visualizations. Browse this collection to get an overview of the Python script nodes and examples how they can be used.
Python script nodes
Use the Python Script node to manipulate KNIME tables or the Python View node to generate visualizations using Python libraries.
To simplify the setup, the KNIME Python Integration includes a Python installation that contains commonly used Python libraries. However, if needed, the Conda Environment Propagation node can take care of deploying custom Python environments when sharing Python scripts in KNIME workflows or components with others.
Workflow examples
Below, find examples for the most common use cases of Python scripts in KNIME. They are ordered by complexity, from simple use cases to sharing Python scripts that require custom environments.
Getting Started
The workflows will help you understand how to add/remove various input and output ports and access the input table or objects.
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Output Data Tables with Python Script
This workflow shows how to write a Pandas DataFrame or a PyArrow Table as a KNIME table using the Python Script node. After writi…
Python Script Space01_Getting_Started02_Output_Data_Tables
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Input Output Objects with Python Script
This workflow demonstrates how to use the Python Script node to load an existing pickle object in the workflow data area and tran…
Python Script Space01_Getting_Started03_Input_Output_Objects
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Image Output with Python Script
This workflow shows how to use the Python Visualization packages to output images using the Python Script node. In this workflow,…
Python Script Space01_Getting_Started04_Image_Output
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Input Output Flow Variables with Python Script
This workflow shows how to pass a flow variable to the Python Script node and then use it in the script. In this workflow, a tabl…
Python Script Space01_Getting_Started05_Input_Output_Flow_Variables
Using Bundled Python Packages
The workflows demonstrate the usage of bundled packages like NumPy, pandas, scikit-learn etc.
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Visualize Correlation matrix using Python Package Seaborn
This workflow demonstrates the usage of Python Seaborn library in Python Script for visualisation. The popular correlation matrix…
Python Script Space02_Using_Bundled_Python_Packages01_Visualize_Correlation_Matrix_using_Seaborn_Package
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Overlaying Plots Using Matplotlib in KNIME
This workflow demonstrates creating overlaying plots using matplotlib python package in Python Script node. In this example, a hi…
Python Script Space02_Using_Bundled_Python_Packages02_Create_Overlaying_Plots_using_Matplotlib_package
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Visualization of subplots
This workflow demonstrates the use of matplotlib library to visualise subplots using Python Script node. The subplots created in …
Python Script Space02_Using_Bundled_Python_Packages03_Visualizing_Subplots_using_Matplotlib_package
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Matrix Multiplication using Numpy Package
This workflow demonstrates the usage of Python Numpy package for matrix multiplication using Python Script node. The data is read…
Python Script Space02_Using_Bundled_Python_Packages04_Matrix_Multiplication_using_Numpy_Arrays
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Data Manipulation Using Pandas and PyArrow
This workflow demonstrates the usage of python package pandas and pyarrow for data manipulation. The KNIME Table is read as panda…
Python Script Space02_Using_Bundled_Python_Packages05_Data_Manipulation_Using_Pandas_and_PyArrow
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Train Python Scikit-learn (sklearn) models in KNIME
This workflow shows how to read the data in as KNIME tables and perform various data manipulations and transformations. Further a…
Python Script Space02_Using_Bundled_Python_Packages06_Train_Machine_Learning_Model_using_Scikit-learn_package
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Visualise with Python View using Matplotlib and Seaborn package
This workflow shows how to create visulisation using the Python View node. Python packages for visualisations like Matplotlib, se…
Python Script Space02_Using_Bundled_Python_Packages07_Visualisation_with_Python_View_using_Matplotlib_Seaborn_package
Using Custom Python Packages
The workflows demonstrate the usage of other python packages that are unavailable in the bundled environment and custom-defined python classes.
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Geo Distance Calculation using GeoPy Python package
This worklow demonstrates the usage of geopy python package for distance calculation given the GPS coordinates. The Python Script…
Python Script Space03_Using_Custom_Python_Packages01_Geo_Distance_Calculation_using_GeoPy_package
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Graph Creation and Visualisation using Networkx package
This worklow demonstrates the usage of netwokx python package for graph creation and network visualisation. The Python Script nod…
Python Script Space03_Using_Custom_Python_Packages02_Graph_Creation_and_Visualisation_using_Networkx_package
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Include Python Custom Class defined by user inside KNIME Workflow
This workflow showcases the usage of custom class inside KNIME. The user has to define the custom python class in a (.py) file an…
Python Script Space03_Using_Custom_Python_Packages03_Include_Custom_Python_Class_in_Workflow
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Interactive Scatter Plot Visualisation with Python View node using Plotly package
This workflow is built to showcase the usage of Python View node that can be used to generate interactive view. The workflow trai…
Python Script Space03_Using_Custom_Python_Packages04_Interactive_Scatter_Plot_Visualisation_with_Python_View_node_using_Plotly_package
Sharing Python Scripts in Components
The workflows showcase the creation of Scripted Components with Python.
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Sharing Component with Custom Python Packages
This worklow demonstrates the creation of Geo Distance Component that uses geopy python package for distance calculation given th…
Python Script Space04_Sharing_Python_Scripts_in_ComponentsSharing_Component_with_Custom_Python_Packages
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Sharing Component with Interactive Visualisation using Python view node with Plotly package
This workflow is built to showcase the Component that uses Python View node to generate interactive view. The component trains a …
Python Script Space04_Sharing_Python_Scripts_in_ComponentsSharing_Component_with_Interactive_Visualisation_with_Python_view_node
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Sharing Component with Bundled Python Packages (kNN Regression)
This workflow demonstrates the process of Scripted Component creation. In this example, a Component is created for kNN Regression…
Python Script Space04_Sharing_Python_Scripts_in_ComponentsSharing_Components_with_Bundled_Python_packages
Jupyter Notebook
The workflow demonstrates the usage of Jupyter Notebook inside the KNIME workflow
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Run Jupyter in KNIME
This Workflow showcases how the Jupyter Notebooks can be integrated in KNIME. The Jupyter Notebook is responsible for feature tra…
Python Script Space05_Jupyter_Notebook01_Run_Jupyter_Notebook_in_KNIME
Blog posts
Read our blog posts to find more information around various topics of using the KNIME Python Integration
Developing KNIME nodes in Python
To make Python functionality available to no-code KNIME users there is an alternative to sharing KNIME components – you can develop KNIME nodes directly in Python! See the following links for more details:
Legacy Python 2 script support
If you still need Python 2 support, you can use the KNIME Python 2 Integration (legacy).