This node computes certain statistics between the a numeric column's values (r i ) and predicted (p i ) values. It computes R² =1-SS res /SS tot =1-Σ(p i -r i )²/Σ(r i -1/n*Σr i )² (can be negative!), Mean absolute error (1/n*Σ|p i -r i |), Mean squared error (1/n*Σ(p i -r i )²), Root mean squared error (sqrt(1/n*Σ(p i -r i )²)), Mean signed difference (1/n*Σ(p i -r i )), Mean absolute percentage error 1/n * Σ((|r i - p i |)/ |r i |), Adjusted R² =1-(1-R²)(n-1)/(n-p-1) (can be negative!). The computed values can be inspected in the node's view and/or further processed using the output table.
- Type: TableTableTable with predicted and reference numerical data