This node configures the connection information that will be used to connect to Amazon S3. Using this connection the other KNIME remote file handling nodes such as Excel Reader and Excel Writer can download and upload files from and to Amazon S3.
For further documentation please take a look at the AWS Documentation .
Path syntax: Paths for Amazon S3 are specified with a UNIX-like syntax, /mybucket/myfolder/myfile. An absolute for S3 consists of:
- A leading slash ("/").
- Followed by the name of a bucket ("mybucket" in the above example), followed by a slash.
- Followed by the name of an object within the bucket ("myfolder/myfile" in the above example).
URI formats: When you apply the Path to URI node to paths coming from this connector, you can create URIs with the following formats:
- Presigned https:// URLs which contain credentials, that allow to access files for a certain amount of time (see AWS documentation ).
- s3:// URLs to access Amazon S3 with the aws command line interface, or inside Hadoop environments.