This node allows a user to create a new database table either manually or based on the specification of a KNIME input data table (see "Dynamic settings" below). The node supports advanced options such as null or not null, primary key or unique keys, default SQL type mapping based on column name or KNIME data type, and default key definitions based on column names.
To change the input or output ports from a DB Connection to a DB Data port, click on ... in the bottom left corner of the node icon. In the menu go to Exchange ports and select the port to change.
Tick the "Use dynamic settings..." option to enable the dynamic settings behaviour. Once enabled it allows to dynamically define the SQL type of the columns as well as the assignment of columns to primary or unique keys. All dynamic settings which are made via the "Dynamic Type Settings" and "Dynamic Keys Settings" tab are applied to the data table specification of the input data table.
The mappings defined in the "Name-Based SQL Type Mapping" have a higher priority than the mappings defined in the "KNIME-Based SQL Type Mapping". If no mapping is defined in both, then the default mapping is used.
While in dynamic settings mode the "Columns" and "Keys" tabs become read-only to allow you a preview of the dynamic settings.