This node reads a SharePoint Online list and outputs it as a KNIME table.
SharePoint Online list column type supportYou can select to which KNIME types the SharePoint Online list column types should be transformed. The following describes the extend of the support for the different column types.
Fully supported column types:
- Single line of text
- Choice
- Number
- Yes/No
- Date and time
- Multiple lines of text will contain HTML tags if the Use enhanced rich text option is enabled for the column in SharePoint.
- Calculated columns are always Strings.
- Currency columns are always Doubles. Thus the currency information is not displayed.
- Person columns return a row ID in the "User Information List" (for more details see below).
- Lookup columns return a row ID in linked list (for more details see below).
For all unsupported column types the node will return the raw JSON value as String. The String can be transformed into the JSON type in the Transformation tab if the KNIME JSON Processing extension is installed.
- Location
- Hyperlink
- Image columns are encoded as a JSON string containing JSON so you have to convert twice to JSON.
- Task Outcome
- External Data
- Managed Metadata
Person and Lookup columns reference data from other SharePoint Online lists. Instead of containing the value in the other list they store the value of the "ID" column of the row in that list. To be able to access the content you can use another SharePoint Online List Reader to read the lookup list and than use the Joiner node to join both lists using the "ID" column of the lookup list.
If you are dealing with a Lookup column, you can get the name of the column you are trying to join from the settings of the Lookup column (which can for example be found in the old web interface). The name of any additional columns that are looked up can be found in the table specification as names of those columns.
Person columns reference entries in the so called "User Information List" (with the internal name "users"). This is a hidden system list in the Root of each SharePoint site. To find it, you must check the "Show system lists" option in the SharePoint Online List Reader node. The name may be localized to your language so you should search for the internal name.
Generated ColumnsApart from the columns you define in a SharePoint Online list there are some which are present in each list e.g. ID. In addition SharePoint generates columns for some specific column types such as Location. The Microsoft API does not provide information about these columns or any layout information. To deselect unwanted columns and reorder the retained columns go to the "Transformation" tab.