This node can be used to issue HTTP POST requests. POST requests are used to send data to a web service and possibly receive data back.
The node allows you to either send a request to a fixed URL (which is specified in the dialog) or to a list of URLs provided by an optional input table. Every URL will result in one request which in turn will result in one row in the output table. You can define custom request headers in the dialog.
The sent data is usually taken from a column of the input table but you can also provide a constant value in the dialog instead.
By default the output table will contain a column with the received data, its content type, and the HTTP status code. The node tries to automatically convert the received data into a KNIME data type based on its content type. In case no automatic conversion is possible, binary cells will be created.
You can extract additional response headers into column by defining them in the dialog.
The node supports several authentication methods, e.g. BASIC and DIGEST. Other authentication methods may be provided by additional extensions.
The node supports the Credential port as input (see dynamic input ports). If the port is added, it must supply a Credential that can be embedded into the HTTP Authorization header, and all request done by the node will use the Credential from the port, regardless of other node settings. The OAuth2 Authenticator nodes provide such a Credential for example.