Authenticates and connects to Salesforce. The resulting Salesforce connection can be used with other Salesforce nodes, or as credential in the REST nodes.
This node uses a Connected App to connect to Salesforce. By default, the KNIME Analytics Platform app needs to be registered with your Salesforce domain. Please contact your Salesforce administrator or KNIME to get more information.
This node also allows you to use your own Connected App in Salesforce. Please consult the Salesforce documentation on how to create your own app. The app needs to have the following settings:
- Enable OAuth Settings
- Set callback URL to http://localhost:51778/salesforce_oauth
- Select at least the following OAuth scopes: Manage user data via APIs (api) and Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
- Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows
- Require Secret for Web Server Flow