Solution to an exercise for data visualization.
Explore statistics and relationships in data with the Data Explorer, Scatter Plot, and Table View nodes. Build an interactive view with a scatter plot and an interactive table.
Data Explorer:
1. 41 different native countries are represented in the data
2. Native-country column contains 583 missing values. Occupation column contains 1843 missing values. Workclass column contains 1836 missing values.
Scatter Plot and Table View:
1. There is a slight positive correlation between hours per week and commuting time
2. Those people in the data who work <25 hours per week and commute the most are never married from their marital status
Interactive Dashboard:
The native country of the people in the data who work <25 hours per week but commute the most is United States
05 Data Visualization - Solution
External resources
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.3.2
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