This components extracts from the model a set of exchange reactions in a way similar to [[GetBoundaryReactions]]. An exchange reaction is a reversible reaction that adds to or removes an extracellular metabolite from the extracellular compartment. In most cases only exchange reactions are added to the model, so this node and [[GetBoundaryReactions]] will provide the same table.
The output table contains subset of columns returned for reaction by [[PrepareNodes]] component:
- **ID**: The identifier to associate with this reaction in the model;
- **Name**: a human readable name for the reaction;
- **Equation**: a human readable reaction string with metabolite IDs;
- **Subsystem**: a subsystem to which the reaction is meant to belong;
- **Lower bound**: the lower bound for the reaction flux;
- **Upper bound**: the upper bound for the reaction flux;
- **Type**: 'reaction'
This component rexports the Cobra Model object without any modifications to simplify structure of workflow.
- Type: PythonmodelCobra Model object from other FBA components.