Extracts medium information from the model. In the CobraPy medium attribute of the model provides list of upper bounds for all active exchange reactions. For improved interpretability the component add information about metabolite that consumed/produced by the reaction.
The CobraPy can calculate the smallest growth medium that can maintain a specific growth rate, which called "minimal media". It requires minimum growth rate to be calculated. The component finds the solution for current stage of the model and use its value as a minimum growth rate.
In both cases component returns a table with the following columns:
- **ReID**: exchange reaction ID in the model;
- **Flux**: upper bound for the reaction flux;
- **MetID**: ID for the metabolite that exchanged in this reaction;
- **Metabolite**: name for the metabolite that exchanged in this reaction;
- **Type**: 'medium'
As model object could be modified by simulation of minimal media, this component do not export the model object.
- Type: Pythonmodelcobrapy Model object from other FBA components.