Extract from CobraPy model information about metabolites, reactions and genes. You should select type of nodes in component configuration. By default component extracts metabolites.
For metabolites this node creates a table with following columns:
- **ID**: the identifier to associate with the metabolite in the model;
- **Name**: a human readable metabolite name;
- **Formula**: chemical brutto formula;
- **Compartment**: compartment of the metabolite;
- **Charge**: charge of the metabolite;
- **Type**:'metabolite'.
For reactions this node creates a table with following columns:
- **ID**: The identifier to associate with this reaction in the model;
- **Name**: a human readable name for the reaction;
- **Equation**: a human readable reaction string with metabolite IDs;
- **ExEquation**: a human readable reaction string with metabolite names;
- **Subsystem**: a subsystem to which the reaction is meant to belong;
- **Lower bound**: the lower bound for the reaction flux;
- **Upper bound**: the upper bound for the reaction flux;
- **Objective**: the coefficient for this reaction in a linear model objective;
- **Balance**: the string of reaction unbalanced elements and charge, for balansed reaction should be empty;
- **Boundary**: logical, shows wether or not this reaction is exchange reaction;
- **GRR**: a gene-reaction-rule string for the reaction
- **Type**: 'reaction'.
For genes this nodes creates a table with following columns:
- **ID**: The identifier to associate with this gene in the model;
- **Name**: a name for the gene;
- **Type**: 'gene'.
Additionally all data in Annotation and Note records for metabolites reactions and genes are collected and added to the output tables.
There is tick-box that allow to extract simulation properties such as ShadowPrice for metabolites and Flux value and Reduced Cost for reactions. If that box is ticked, but model was not simulated, the node will fail with the error mesage "Execute failed: model was not optimized yet or solver context switched".
- Type: Pythonmodelcobrapy Model object from other FBA componenst