It is standard task for FBA to evaluate consequence of genetic manipulations such as gene knockouts. COBRApy provide this functionality and this component provide access to this simulations. The function is optimized to use parallel simulation, so user is able to specify number of parallel processes to be run via **Processes** dialog. User can choose one of five knockout simulation algorithms via **Method** dialog:
- fba: plain FBA objective function is simulated after knocking gene out;
- moma: Minimization of metabolic adjustment (MOMA, DOI:[10.1073/pnas.232349399]( algorithm is applied after knocking gene out;
- linear moma: linear version of MOMA algorithm is applied after knocking gene out;
- room: regulatory on/off minimization (ROOM, DOI:doi:10.1073/pnas.0406346102) algorithm is applied after knocking gene out;
- linear room: linear version of ROOM algorithm is applied after knocking gene out.
The component generates table with three columns:
- id: ID of the knocked out gene;
- objective: Objective function value;
- status: the solution status.
- Type: PythonmodelCobra Model object from other FBA components.
- Type: Tablegenestable of genes to knockout