H2 database split into 1 GB chunks in order to store very large data
External resources
- H2 java based database example
- H2 Database Engine
- H2 supported datatypes
- KNIME Database Extension Guide
- use H2 and KNIME to realize a BETWEEN match of timestamps
- H2 Database cheatsheet
- Example of H2 database - handling of database structure and use of Primary Keys - insert only new lines by ID
- more H2 database examples from the KNIME hub
- use H2 to produce a Position / Rank number within a group variable (window functions)
- If you want to use WINDOW functions like RANK with H2 you can easily update the H2 driver
- H2 / SQL database limitations
- forum entry
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.7.7
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