Read further about KNIME and CSV files:
CSV Reader (Labs)
=> you can use the "Autodetect" function
=> you can import multiple CSV files with the same structure at once
Demonstrates how to import several CSV files with the new CSV reader from sub folders at once
Force all columns to be read as strings (use KNIME nodes only)
use R library(readr) to read (messy) CSV file into KNIME
KNIME Nodes for Wide Data (many columns)
External resources
- HUB: use R to read and write custom CSV files and read them back with different nodes
- Demonstrates how to import several CSV files with the new CSV reader from sub folders at once
- R - Reads a file in table format and creates a data frame from it, with cases corresponding to lines and variables to fields in the file
- Force R’s readr to import all columns of a messy CSV file as strings - allow changing table structures
- use R library(readr) to read (messy) CSV file into KNIME
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.7.7 Note: Not all extensions may be displayed.
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