The Math Formula node is used to create new or update existing numeric fields. It works on a row-by-row basis; this means that you can reference values in other columns within the same row but you cannot reference values in other rows (for that functionality, see the Lag Column and Column Expressions nodes).
With a large collection of functions and the ability to leverage column and flow variable values, the Math Formula node enables users to create their desired mathematical expressions.
Using the node is straightfoward. Along the left-hand side of the configuration menu are the Column and Flow Variable lists. In the center is a list of available functions and logical operators. Below is the expression pane, where you enter the expression you desire.
Finally, you may either create a new field (Append Column) or update an existing column (Replace Column). When you create a new field, the default field type is a Double. You may change this to an Integer type by selecting the box at the bottom of the menu.
Math Formula
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.7.2
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