We look for all fragment.xml and feature.xml files in the multiproject git repo
Fragments are assumed to be named identically to their containing folder, and only those ending '.tests' are included
The user selects a 'site' feature. Within this project, a category.xml file is created (WARNING - an existing such file will be over-written without warning!), with the categories and their features as defined in the build.properties file of the site feature project. Any plugins in the feature.xml file of the site project will also be included in 'bundle' tags.
A file called 'buckminster.rmap' will be read from the site project folder, and parsed for repositories
Finally, the user is presented with the 'modules' and 'repositories' blocks to be used in the parent project pom.xml file
See the file https://github.com/knime-community/Converting_from_Buckminster.md for further details
External resources
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.1.4
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