This workflow demonstrates how to read an XLS file using the XLS Reader node. It contains three workflows.
The goal of each workflow is to read accounting data from a restaurant business for all months in 2016 and to calculate the total revenues for each month. Each workflow is different, depending on how the data are stored in the .xls file.
Workflow 1: All accounting data are stored in one sheet of a single Excel file. One single Excel Reader node is enough to read all data.
Workflow 2: Reads data from all sheets in an Excel file using the Read Excel Sheet Names node, a loop, and the Excel Reader node
Workflow 3: Reads data from all sheets of all Excel files present in a folder. Here we use the List Files node, we loop on the list of files, we use the Read Excel Sheet Names node, we loop on the list of sheets, and we read the data from each sheet.
External resources
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.1.0
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