Chosen (usually "repeated") Columns from a table are stacked so that new rows are created for each.
The values of other (non-stacked) columns are repeated.
e.g The following table:
|Name|Date |Product 1|Price 1|Product 2|Price 2|
|A |2023-01-01| X | 10 | Y | 20 |
could be stacked to form:
|Name|Date |Product|Price|
| A |2023-01-01| X | 10 |
| A |2023-01-01| Y | 20 |
Updated 12 Jul 2023 - enable optional return of original column name, with ability to specify column name and perform regex to return modified values based on original column name
@takbb Brian Bates 19 June 2023
- Type: TableData TableData to be stacked