Filter an Excel file using style elements like color of the cell extracted with the help of Python openpyxl
It is possible to do that with the help of Python's Openpyxl (like with so many Excel manipulation tasks in and around KNIME).
Basically what happens is this:
* Import the Excel file into python
* activate the "Sheet1"
* find the edges, in this case, the no of rows
* iterate thru all of the cells with data in column A
* extract the style information (that was some piece of work)
* Store them in the corresponding column C
* check if the style information contains the specific colour we want to see (you could drop that once you are comfortable with the solution)
* if yes write TRUE if not FASLE into column B
* save the Excel file under a new name (so you might keep your original file)
* check the results
Please also check out the Jupyter notebook in the subdirectory of this workflow