This workflow basically behaves differently if you run it locally and on the KNIME Hub.
The Extract Context Properties Node will extract different information depending on whether we run the workflow locally or on the KNIME Hub.
After uploading the workflow to KNIME Hub, we can see that the variable "context.workflow.user" is something like account:user:9b45fc22-eee7-4b09-a075-5e2ea8db58cd. However, if we run it locally it will get its local username.
With this information and the Rules Engine we create a switch case, where in case of running locally it will take the upper thread and in case of running with this user (account:user:9b45fc22-eee7-4b09-a075-5e2ea8db58cd) on the Hub it will take the lower thread.
After that, we can build the workflow depending on our use case as we wish. In my case, we basically use some credentials (if we run locally) and call another workflow to get other credentials if we run on KNIME Hub.
KNIME Hub - Local - Different Behaviour
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 5.1.1
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