This node extracts the sequences for all chains listed in the FASTA file. For multi-chain FASTA files, a new row will be added for each chain. A number of columns will be added according to the source type selected in the drop-down as follows - properties extracted are shown as {property}:
- GenBank >gi|{gi-number}|gb|{accession}|{locus}
- EMBL Data Library >gi|{gi-number}|emb|{accession}|{locus}
- DDBJ, DNA Database of Japan >gi|{gi-number}|dbj|{accession}|{locus}
- NBRF PIR >pir||{entry}
- Protein Research Foundation >prf||{name}
- SWISS-PROT >sp|{accession}|{name}
- PDB >pdb|{entry}|{chain} or >{entry}:{chain}|PDBID|CHAIN|SEQUENCE
- Patents >pat|{country}|{number}
- GenInfo Backbone Id >bbs|{number}
- General database identifier >gnl|{database}|{identifier}
- NCBI Reference Sequence >ref|{accession}|{locus}
- Local Sequence identifier >lcl|{identifier}
- Other (No properties extracted)
This node was developed by Vernalis (Cambridge, UK) . For feedback and more information, please contact