Our goal is to create a geopackage file containing the different inputs as layers and visualize the input data.
To use the workflow, download and run it on the KNIME Analytics Platform. For optimal performance using the Geospatial Analytics extension, make sure you are using version 4.7.4 or higher.
We obtained the input data as two CSV files saved in the workflow data area. The Seattle landmarks are saved as points in the WKT format, and the bike racks' coordinates are lat/lon coordinates.
The first step is to transform the input data to geometry data using the WKT to Geometry and the Lat/Lon to Geometry node.
The second step is to create a multilayer GeoPackage file.
We first create a .gpkg file path pointing to the workflow data area that the GeoPackage Writer node can use. Then, we use multiple GeoPackage Writer nodes chained after each other to create multiple layers.
The last step adds a marker-type column to give the landmarks and the bike racks a marker type using the Constant Value Column node. After that, we concatenate the geometry object from both inputs and visualize them in the Geospatial View.
Reading Geo Files
External resources
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.7.4
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