The workflow aims to mark significant wildfires (more than 100 acres impacted) in Washington state since 1973 by plotting them as points.
To use the workflow, download and run it on the KNIME Analytics Platform. For optimal performance using the Geospatial Analytics extension, make sure you are using version 4.7.4 or higher.
The dataset has been downloaded from the source and saved in the workflow data area as a CSV file.
To work with the large fire area polygons in the input file, represented in Well-know-text (WKT) format, we must convert them to Geometry type using the WKT to Geometry node.
Next, we utilize the Geometry to Point node to determine the centroid of each polygon representing a large fire area.
Afterwards, we depict the wildfires through two distinct methods:
In the top branch, we maintain the original geometry type, polygons.
Meanwhile, in the bottom branch, we utilize the previously generated centroids of the wildfires and use the "ACRES" column as a "Marker size column" to visually distinguish the larger fires.
Geometry to Point
External resources
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.7.4
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