Exercise 4 for KNIME User Training
- Training a Decision Tree to predict a nominal target column
- Evaluate the model performance using scoring metrics for a classification model and an ROC Curve
- Train a linear regression model to predict a numeric target column
- Evaluate the performance of the regression model
- Cluster data based on latitude and longitude
- Visualize clusters in a scatter plot and on a map
Data Mining - Solution
External resources
- Slides (KNIME Analytics Platform Course)
- ROC Curve of a Classification Model
- Evaluating Classification Model Performance with the Scorer Node
- Decision Tree Learner Node: Algorithm Settings
- Behind the Scenes of the Decision Tree with KNIME
- Drag & Drop Data Science
- The Learner-Predictor Construct
- KNIME Analytics: a Review
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.4.1
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