This workflow allows you to read geospatial data (Shapefiles) from a neighboring folder on KNIME Business Hub.
Since Shapefiles normally consist of multiple files and the <geofile reader> can only take a string, we need to build the full path to the respective *.shp file, while ensuring all other vector files are present as well.
Besides this workflow, there is a "data-files" folder. This folder shall contain one vector data set in a separate folder, e.g. *.dbf, *.prj, *.shp, ... of the single states of the USA in one folder "us-states".
The initial component lets you select among present folders inside the "data-files" folder. The workflow then moves the folder into the data area and constructs the full path by using the <extract context properties> node information.
Once done, the <geofile reader> can use this path to read the file located on KNIME Business Hub.