This KNIME component is designed to enhance your data app by adding attractive and informative alerts.
With this component, you can seamlessly integrate Info alerts (light blue), success alerts (green), warning and error alerts (light orange and red) and promotional alerts (yellow) into your data applications. These visual alerts serve as an efficient means to convey important messages and status updates to users.
Key Features:
Multiple Alert Categories: The component offers five distinct alert categories, allowing you to choose the most appropriate one for your message.
Customizable Messages: Simply input the desired message as a string, and the component will display it within the selected alert category. You can also make use of HTML tags to create multiple lines, or make certain text bold.
Visually Appealing: The alerts are not only informative but also visually appealing, making your data app more user-friendly.
Enhanced User Experience: you can enhance the overall user experience of your data app, ensuring that important information doesn't go unnoticed.
Alert Categories:
Info Alert (Light blue): Use this category for general informational messages.
Warning (Light orange): Alert users to potential issues or concerns with the yellow warning category.
Success Alert (Green): Indicate successful actions or completion of tasks with a bright green alert.
Warning Alert (Red): The red warning alert signifies critical issues and requires immediate attention.
Promotional Alert (Yellow): The yellow warning serves for promotion and upselling messages.
Alert Widget
Component details
Alert Text
This message will be displayed in the alert next to the icon. You can make use of HTML directly in this string.Choose an Alert Type
Based on you needs, you can choose the Alert type that better suits your data app.Alert Position
Specify the alignment of the alert within the column. You have the flexibility to center-align, left-align, or right-align the visual object.Display Icon?
Check this option if you want to display the icon next to the text
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 5.2.4
This component does not have nodes, extensions, nested components and related workflows
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