use the (new) Path variable format to adress (local) files and handle them. The key is to get a local path and work with taht and if you try to handle files convert a string to a Path file and (mostly) use custom strings. Some nodes are not fully ready to work consitantly with the Path variables, some would not work with the KNIME protocol.
External resources
- New File Handling Out of Labs and Into Production
- Working with Utility Nodes
- fun with URI, URL and File Paths
- [kn_meta] A meta collection about Loops, Paths and Flow Variables in KNIME
- KNIME File Handling Guide
- The ultimate split path, with a single regex
- Uniform Resource Identifier
- copy files to two target folders using local URI strings
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.3.1
- Go to item
Generic Workflow Nodes for KNIME
Freie Universitaet Berlin, Universitaet Tuebingen, and the GenericWorkflowNodes Team
Version 1.0.0
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