Challenge 30 - Visualizing KPIs by States
Level - Easy
Description - For this challenge, you’ll compare the number of foreign students in different German states on a choropleth map of Germany. The output should contain an interactive view with a map showing the number of foreign students by German states, a widget to change the considered year, and a refresh button. What are the top 3 states with the most foreign students now? And in 2000?
Hint - Check out the verified components for visualization on the KNIME Hub.
In this challenge, a visualizer was created to generate an interactive viewer where users can view the number of foreign students (male and female) in each German state. There is a widge to select the year and a refresh button to update the view. Additionally, the viewer has a bar chart and a table of top three states with the most number of students.
As a bonus, another visualizer was created to view all the possible combinations of gender and nationality, including its total as well. The map, table and bar chart would have a dynamic subtitle to reflect the change when the user refreshes the view. In this scenario, further data wrangling was required to annotate each value with information on gender and nationality by the process of unpivoting.
justknimeit30 - Visualizing KPIs by States
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.6.1
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