Challenge 36 - Implementing Custom Time Alignment
Level - Medium
Description - KNIME has just released a new textbook on time series to celebrate it, we will do a little time series analysis in this challenge. Check out the book (and discount!) here.
For this challenge you will perform time alignment on data that contains two types of gaps - regular gaps by the nature of the data, and irregular gaps. For example, daily stock market data regularly skips Saturdays and Sundays, and irregularly skips some other weekdays due to public holidays. Your concrete task for this challenge is to introduce the missing timestamps that correspond to weekdays into the given data, while omitting those for weekends. The data contains the daily exchange rates of US dollar vs Swiss franc from 1980 to 1998. Hint - Check out our verified components for time series analysis. Hint 2 - For reference, if you get access to the book, check out Chapter 3 (Preparing Data for Time Series Analysis) which this challenge is based on.
justknimeit-36 - Implementing Custom Time Alignment
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