Similar to the Selected Column Resorter component, this returns the data table with the selected columns sorted in either ascending or descending alphabetical order, but in addition, pure numeric column names of up to 20 digits are sorted in numeric order, rather than alphabetic order. In an ascending sort sequence, pure numbers will appear first.
Note that any column containing anything other than purely numerics [0-9] will be treated as "alphabetic" and sorted accordingly.
The columns are then located positionally at the current position of the first of the selected columns alphabetically
For example, consider a table with the following columns:
A, D, X, W, B, Z, Y, 1,100,2,31
If columns X, Y Z,1, 100, 2 and 31 are to be sorted into descending order, the table would become
A, D, Z, Y, X, 100, 31, 2, 1 W, B
If only columns X, Y, Z, 1,100, 2 and 31 were to be sorted into ascending order, the table would become:
18 Nov 2021, based on original component May 2021 @takbb Brian Bates
- Type: TableData TableTable containing columns to be sorted