To set up the workflow to generate Google calendar events, you need to authorize the Calendar API first (with ClientID and Client Secret) from your Google Cloud project.
The workflow starts by reading the given sheets of the Excel file with the email addresses and additional customizable options.
Then it validates the email addresses and decides between already scheduled and unscheduled interviews.
The last step uses conditional formatting of the Excel file to mark invalid email addresses with red colour. Using a chunk loop, we iterate over each unscheduled interview separately and create an interview-specific Google Calender event using the POST request node.
If you choose "create new" (default) as output behaviour, the workflow creates a new Excel output file which means you can reuse the example. If you select "overwrite", the initial input file gets overwritten.
Google Calendar Interview Scheduling
External resources
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.6.3
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