Chapter 5 GIS-Based Measures of Spatial Accessibility and Application in Examining Healthcare Disparity
This case study extends the work reported in Wang, Vingiello and Xierali (2020), and uses the same study area: nine parishes in the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Updates include using more recent population data and adding the implementation of a virtual accessibility measure. The case study uses Euclidean distances to measure travel impedance for simplicity so that we can focus on implementing the accessibility measures in GIS.
The FCC broadband data contains maximum upload and download speed records by different service providers (consumer vs. business). The following features in the data folder BRMSA are used for this project:
1. polygon features (n = 574) and (n = 9) are 2020 census block groups and counties, respectively, for reference and mapping,
2. polygon feature MSAbkg1 and point feature (n = 570 for both) are 2020 census block groups and corresponding centroids after excluding four census block groups with no residents, and contain elds GEOID for unique geography identifier ID, POP100 for population, and MaxAdDown , MaxAdUp and bandR for mean fixed broadband download speed, mean upload speed and for subscription rate of broadband of consumer service providers, respectively,
3. point feature contains fields PCP for number of FTE (fulltime equivalent) primary care physicians (PCP), and MaxAdDown and MaxAdUp for mean fixed broadband download and upload speeds by business service providers, in 2020 census block centroids, and
4. OD Cost Matrix table ODwithBroadband.csv is generated by Step 1, and contains travel cost between MSAbkgPt and PCPmsa based on the Euclidean distance represented by the field Distance , with fields Origin ID and Destination ID representing population and physician location
ids, respectively. It also contains broadband information.
Case Study 5A: Measuring Accessibility of Primary Care Physicians in Baton Rouge
Computational Methods and GIS Applications in Social Science - KNIME Lab Manual
Lingbo Liu, Fahui Wang
Case05A-Measuring Accessibility of Primary Care Physicians in Baton Rouge
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