In the first part, the workflow iterates all over the Excel files of the target folder putting them into a unique table (to do this, we use a classic combination of List Files/Folders + Table row to variable loop)
Then we group by Year_Week the data and iterate using a Group Loop over each Acquisition Channel.
Inside the loop for each iteration:
Four charts are created by Acquisition Channel using the total values and the week-over-week comparisons.
Four worksheets are generated (one by Acquisition Channel). The Column Headers, the Row Headers, and the values are formatted. Conditional formatting to the week-over-week values (green, yellow, red) is applied.
An Excel file with five worksheets, 4 for each Acquisition Channel with a Monitoring Dashboard fully formatted, and one worksheet called "Overall charts" with 12 visualisations.
Marketing Monitoring Dashboard with Excel
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Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.6.3
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