This workflow demonstrates basic usage of the Google and Twitter URLs Extractor components, as well as the Web Scrapper and Keyword Search component. Moreover, you can visualize key terms trending in web addresses tweeted for a given search use case.
Google URLs Extractor integrates with Google Custom Search Engine API ( and requires a valid API Key and Search Engine ID to be used. You can also specify further filters to narrow down your search (you can get these parameters by creating a new project after enabling custom search API in Google Cloud’s console).
Twitter URLs Extractor integrates with Twitter Search component in the KNIME Analytics Platform, which further utilizes the Twitter Search API. This component requires four authentication parameters which can be obtained from Note that you need an active twitter account to get these credentials.
If you use this workflow, please cite:
F. Villaroel Ordenes & R. Silipo, “Machine learning for marketing on the KNIME Hub: The development of a live repository for marketing applications”, Journal of Business Research 137(1):393-410, DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.08.036.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with Verified Components
External resources
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.5.1
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