This component automatically sends emails to managers about invoices that require some particular action. The email body is shown below. It will be customized by the manager name, invoice ID, action item, and invoice due status as provided in the input table. The example email looks as follows:
"Dear Felix,
for the Item: IN-02.94 please take the following action: Sell to factoring
Current Due Status: 90+ Days
*This message is generated by a KNIME workflow, please do not respond to this email!*"
To enable SMTP server, for example, Gmail SMTP server, you will need to allow less secure apps under Google Account > Security > Less secure app access. Be aware that less secure apps can make your account more vulnerable. Other requirements might be needed for other mail providers.
- Type: Table0The input data table containing at least 5 string columns for the manager name and email address, invoice ID and due status, and the required action.