Financial Metrics Example: Investments' return rate
This is a business case example of the use of 3 financial metrics components in order to measure the profitability of some investment projects.
The business case:
Imagine you are a firm that wants to invest in 3 different ways.
One way is to begin building an orchid, and for that you plan 3 different projects for which the costs and returns are not regular.
The second and third ways are different financial investments.
The second is in form of several regular monthly investments projects while the third one is in in the same form but you have the additional information of knowing the cost of the capital and at which rate the returns will be reinvested.
After getting the data of the investment projects, which stocked into different excel files, congregated into three different flows divided by type of investments as previously described we begin begin enriching it with the computation of the financial formulae.
In the end we have an overview of all the projects with the return rate for each of them and a visualization to have a ranking of which are the best investment opportunities for the firm in the case.
Financial Metrics - Rates of return
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