This workflow shows how to read several simple Excel files in Excel 97-2003 (XML) format and how to convert them in current XLSX file format.
The Excel 97-2003 (XML) files are read from the workflow data folder and should be named with the extension *.xls.
The converted XLSX Excel files are stored under the same workflow data folder and are renamed with extension *.xlsx.
How the workflow works is explained node by node. Essentially, the Excel file is read as a XML file and the XML is interpreted to extract the worksheets and their names. Every worksheet is analysed independently to extract columns and cell content and eventually the newly created tables are stored back again in XLSX Excel format in the most probable column types.
20220810 Pikairos Read Excel 97-2003 XML Spreadsheet 2003 files
External resources
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.5.2
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