This workflow can be run by itself, but it is in truth complemetary to a main one, which needs to be executed at least once before this one, at least until the lexicon text mining module and the following table writer, in order to save in the working directory the necessary .table file. The main workflow is present in the same directory of this workflow on Knime Hub. This workflow also needs jpg posters named with the respective movie IMDb ID, but for obvious reasons they are not made available publicly.
This workflow aims at counting the number of faces in the posters, and uses the Google Cloud Vision API to perform color analysis and label detection on the same images.
For the purpose of subsequent analysis, the dominant color is extracted from each poster, while the most popular and meaningful labels among all the posters are selected and encoded in the model with dummy variables, for each observation.
A valid service account JSON key for Google Cloud (Vision) is needed to make this workflow run.
Deploy of Face Detection MTCNN and Google Cloud Vision API
External resources
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.5.1 Note: Not all extensions may be displayed.
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