Parquet file format, KNIME and Jupyter notebook
- work in progress -
a jupyter workbook with several way to import and export Parquet data. Also to be read by KNIME's parquet reader and Arrow package
External resources
- KNIME and Python with Pandas and PyArrow to handle Date and Time variables
- Meta Collection about KNIME and Python
- use the new (KNIME 4.6+) Python Script node and bundled Python version to read Parquet file into KNIME, export it again, put it into SQLite database and read it back
- Use functions and Python code from an external .PY file or a Juypter notebook in KNIME's Python Source node
Used extensions & nodes
Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.6.3
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- Go to item
- Go to item
- Go to item
- Go to item
- Go to item
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