Creates a batch of pick lists suitable for Echo acoustic dispenser from an Excel input of compounds from source plates.
The input is a table of compound library, and it must have at least a column of compound name, a column of source plate ID or barcode, and a column of source well.
The user needs to select the column containing the compound name, plate barcode and well location. In addition, the user can choose whether the compounds from the library (source plate) can be sorted by rows or by columns onto the destination plate.
The user can specify the number of compounds per plate and the number of plates per batch run. The component then divides the library into several files (named PickListBatch(number).csv) and saves into a folder specific by the user. The user can create a new folder whilst selecting the folder by clicking Browse and then Create New Folder.
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Created with KNIME Analytics Platform version 4.7.0
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