This node reads a single geospatial file from the provided local file path or URL. Learn more
KNIME for Geospatial Analysis
Harvard’s Center for Geographic Analysis (CGA) and KNIME have teamed up to enable non-expert users to unlock the potential of geospatial data by accessing, blending, and analyzing it through a no-code environment. In this collection page, you can find resources to start this journey.
A practitioner’s guide to geospatial analytics
This guide covers an overview of geospatial basics as well as how to best leverage KNIME’s geospatial analysis extension.
Data Access
To begin the process of geospatial analysis, you must first incorporate the information into a KNIME workflow.
Geospatial Files
KNIME provides reader nodes to read different file formats, such as Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML, and Geopackage files. You can find helpful examples of workflows in this section that will assist you in performing data access tasks.
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Reading Geo Files
Our goal is to create a Geopackage file containing the different inputs as layers and visualize the input data.
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial IOReading Geo Files
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Create a Multi Layer Geopackage File
The main goal of this workflow is to show how a user can create a GeoPackage with more than one layer.
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial IOCreate a Multi Layer Geopackage File
Other files with geospatial data
The following nodes allow you to work with non-geospatial data files such as CSV or Parquet that contain geospatial information (like longitude/latitude, a WKT, or GeoJSON string).
Open Data
KNIME allows for easy geospatial data input through open dataset nodes, which retrieve information from services such as OpenStreetMap and the US Census Bureau. Please refer to the related nodes and workflow examples provided below.
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US2020 Sources
We aim to determine the population´s unemployment rate near Seattle schools by utilizing the available Open Datasets nodes.
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersOpen DatasetsUS2020 Sources
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Open Street Map
This workflow uses the Boundary Map and POIs (Point of Interest) node to build a map of the Tacoma International Airport (WA, USA…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersOpen DatasetsOpen Street Map
If you have geospatial data in a KNIME workflow, you may need to format it. This could involve aligning the coordinate reference system or simplifying complex polygons.
With KNIME transformation nodes, you can convert geospatial objects to various data types. Take a look at the available nodes for transformation operations and check out some sample workflows.
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Geometry to Point
The workflow aims to mark significant wildfires (more than 100 acres impacted) in Washington state since 1973 by plotting them as…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial TransformationGeometry to Point
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Geospatial Projection
Choosing the proper projection is critical for geospatial analysis. This workflow uses different CRS to show Washington state bou…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial TransformationGeospatial Projection
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Polygon to Line
This workflow conducts a comprehensive competitive analysis of King County, WA, farmer markets.
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial TransformationPolygon to Line
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Geospatial Projection II
We show how different projection methods affect geospatial visualization by connecting two points to create a distance line betwe…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial TransformationGeospatial Projection II
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Points to Line
The workflow utilizes Seattle bike data to generate a comprehensive and visually appealing geo-visualization of the city's bi…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial TransformationPoints to Line
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Projection and Area Computation
This example workflow demonstrates the effect of a chosen projection on the computation of the area of the projected geospatial o…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial TransformationProjection and Area Computation
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Vector Type Conversion
This example displays the different ways to convert from geometry > point, points > line, line > multipoint, or polygon > line.
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial TransformationVector Type Conversion
KNIME allows for geospatial calculations, including bounding box and coordinate extraction. Use an equal-area projection with the appropriate node for area or length calculations. You may also want to check out related example workflows that can serve as blueprints to help you get started.
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Bounding Box VS Convex Hull
The KNIME workflow processes geospatial data of fires reported in Washington state since 2008. The main objective is to create a …
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial CalculationBounding Box VS Convex Hull
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Calculate Area
Our goal is to calculate the county´s area in Washington and determine the population density per square kilometre.
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial CalculationCalculate Area
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Calculate Length
We aim to calculate the length of the security fence surrounding public playgrounds in Seattle using a dataset containing informa…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial CalculationCalculate Length
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Bounding Box vs. Convex Hull
This example starts with the specification of a coordingate (lat/lon) and a buffer radius.
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial CalculationBounding Box VS Convex Hull II
Use manipulation nodes to perform operations like computing a buffer around a geospatial object or joining objects based on distance or relationship. For geometric set operations, use the Overlay node. To simplify complex polygons, try the Simplify node. Additionally, we have included relevant workflow examples in this section.
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Buffer and Spatial Join (POI Search)
Based on our analysis of trip data, we have identified the top five bike stations in Seattle City. We are currently investigating…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial ManipulationBuffer and Spatial Join (POI search)
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Multiple Ring Buffer
The following workflow outlines the process of generating multiple ring buffers around the three airports in Seattle.
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial ManipulationMultiple Ring Buffer
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Spatial Join vs. Nearest Join
Spatial Join vs. Nearest JoinThis example shows the different results of spatial vs. nearest joins. It uses OSM POIs and joins th…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial ManipulationSpatial Join vs. Nearest Join
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Nearest Join
We plan to bike to Seattle´s Space Needle and St. James Cathedral. We´re looking for the nearest bike stations where we can pick …
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial ManipulationNearest Join
The geospatial extension offers various nodes to help with exploring spatial data, location analysis, and spatial modeling.
Spatial Network
The spatial network nodes allow you to perform for drive time analysis such as creating isochrone maps or drive time distance matrices.
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Spatial Network Nodes for Drive Time
This workflow analyzes data about restaurants in Seattle to determine the optimal location for opening a new restaurant, consider…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial NetworkSpatial Network Nodes for Drive Time
Exploratory Analysis
These nodes can calculate spatial auto-correlations and identify hot spots in data.
To get more information about spatial relationships between geospatial objects, you can use the various spatial modeling nodes.
Location Analysis
For efficient distribution of goods or services, location analysis helps find the best spot for warehouses or hospitals.
KNIME provides various visualization nodes for different use cases, from a highly customizable Geospatial View Static for reports to the highly interactive Geoview node or the specialized Spatial Heatmap node. But to get started, we recommend the versatile Geospatial View.
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Choropleth Map
This workflow aims to create a map of Seattle that shows different socioeconomic features by tract.
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial VisualizationChoropleth Map
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Geospatial View (Simple)
This workflow generates a straightforward geospatial visualization highlighting locations within the city where chemicals (for th…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial VisualizationGeospacial View (Simple)
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Geospatial Heatmap
We aim to map out fires over one hundred acres in the Washington state region to gain insight into the areas most affected by wil…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial VisualizationGeospatial Heatmap
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Geospatial Time Series
This workflow is designed to analyze earthquake data in California and generate a Kepler view for visual exploration.
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial VisualizationGeospatial Time Series
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Geospatial View Multilayer
Our objective is to develop a multilayer geospatial visualization. We utilize the coordinates of Seattle´s elementary schools and…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesGeospatial Analytics for BeginnersSpatial VisualizationGeospatial View Multi Layer
Use Cases
Geospatial analytics can be applied in various industries, such as life sciences and financial services. Here are some common use cases that utilize KNIME geospatial analytics capabilities.
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Geospatial Impact Analysis of Hurricane Ian on Tweet Sentiment
In this example, we want to visualize the impact that the Hurricane had in terms of sentiment of Twitter tweets in different dist…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesImpact Analysis
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Point of Interest Search
In this example, we want to search near a certain location for points of interest such as churches, schools, resturants, shops, p…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesPOI Search
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Site Selection - Geospatial Analytics
In this straightforward example, we perform a typical geospatial analysis: Site Selection.
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesSite Selection
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Geospatial Time Travelling
In this example, we want to visualize the impact that the Hurricane had in terms of sentiment of Twitter tweets over time around …
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesTime Travelling
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Geospatial Allocation based on Vaccine Distribution
In this example, we want to find the 5 hospitals out of all available hospitals that can distribute a vaccine the most efficient …
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesVaccine Distribution
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Choropleth Map of World Population
This workflow visualizes the world population of 2021 as a choropleth map using different projections.
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesChoropleth Map of World Population
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Geospatial View
In this example, we want to visually represent the population distribution by ethnic identification in the city of New York.
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesPopulation Distribution Visualization
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OSM Dashboard
This workflow in the component builds an interoperable dashboard of aggregating POI of Open Street Map with grids by using OSM PO…
Geospatial Analytics ExamplesOSM Dashboard
Learning Material
This section includes blog posts, a comprehensive guide to beginning your geospatial analytics and KNIME journey, related articles, and instructional videos.